Do you have an idea for a case that you would like tried in Science Court? A good Science Court case should satisfy the following six criteria: 1- It deals with an important issue. 2- It is controversial and leads to impassioned discussion. 3- There is widespread interest in the topic. 4- The topic is complex involving many domains for which scientifically sound research and/or reliable data is available. 5- There are good arguments to be made on both the pro and con sides. 6- The case statement is concise and details a specific action by a specific entity. If you think your case satisfies the above criteria, fill in the form below and we will follow up with you. Case Statement Provide a concise statement of the case. It should be phrased as a question to the jury and should define a clear action by s specific entity. An example is our 2018 Science Court case: "Should the State of Minnesota implement a 1:1 technology program in K-12 public schools, assigning one device (laptop or tablet) to every student for educational use in school and at home?" Case Description Provide a brief description of your case. How does it satisfy the six requirements for a good SciCourt case given above? Email Address Provide us with your e-mail address, so that we can follow up with you. Make sure that you entered your e-mail correctly, otherwise we will not be able to contact you. Leave this field blank