Volunteer for the Jury - Spring 2022

The Spring 2022 Science Court case is

Grading practices at the University of Minnesota can lead to bias, stress, and disincentivize learning, new innovative student assessment methods should be adopted.

Science Court is seeking volunteers to serve on the jury. Jurors attend the trial and listen to the evidence presented by students on the science team who have researched the facts and the pro and con arguments presented by the legal team. Jury members can ask their own questions during the trial. Following the trial, the jury members will engage in a facilitated deliberation to answer key questions raised at the trial and render a verdict.

Everyone is welcome to serve on the jury. Science Court seeks a diverse jury representing all walks of life and backgrounds in American society.

The Spring 2022 Science Court Trial will take place on the following dates:

  • Saturday April 23, 2022, 9am-4pm: Trial (evidence presentation and legal arguments)
  • Sunday April 24, 2022, 2-5pm: Jury deliberation
  • Tuesday April 26, 2022, 4-5:15pm: Verdict announcement and public discussion

Events are planned to be in-person, but participation via Zoom is an option.

If you are interested in serving on the jury, please fill in the brief form at this link:


We will follow up with you to collect more information.